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Due to the increasing number of students and insurance guidelines, the following Policies and Procedures have been established for the safety of every individual. 

  • Arrival -   2-3 minutes prior to class start time

  • Pick up - must be present at end of class time 

    • Should an unforeseen event arise that causes a parent to be later than 10 minutes in picking up, school must be notified and additional fees may apply.

  • Missed classes are not made up. 

  • Parking Lot – Parking is on the northside of our building.  Do not block the Drop Off lane in front of the building, please.  Exercise extreme caution entering and exiting.

  • All communication is sent via email-check regularly. Check often!

  • Studio Holidays - Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving week, Christmas Holiday and Spring Break week. 

  • Enrollment pro-rates are based on 1st and 15th -

  • ​

Dropping a Class
Our main Season runs September-May and is broken into 2 sessions. As stated on the Registration Form, commitment is for the entirety of the session. Although we hate to see anyone leave, we understand schedules sometimes change. In short, commitment is for Sept-Dec, then Jan-May. December is the only time to drop without further commitment.  Should you need to drop a class, tuition remains due through end of session. Email written request to drop a class. Please know transferring to a different class or day is always a option.

  • Registration Fee - $50 

  • Group Classes - Tuition is based on time and disciplines taught. Monthly tuition for all weekly, 30-minute classes is $70.  Monthly tuition for all weekly, 45-minute classes is $85.  Monthly tuition for all weekly, 60-minute classes is $105.

  • ALL fees/tuition is due the 1st of each month. DLSPA uses a contactless, secure online Auto Pay system on the 1st of each month. Auto-pay selection is located under Payments. Receipts are sent via email. Should tuition not be paid by the 10th, a $15.00 Late Fee will be charged to the account.

  • Auto-Pay MUST BE SELECTED, should you choose not to use Auto-Pay, a $5 charge will be added to your tuition each month. 

  • Trial Class - Group drop-in rate is $30.

  • Discounts - Multiple class discounts begin with 3 classes within a family are taken.  10% discount for 3-4 classes are taken within a family and 15% at 5 classes or more..

  • Should any payment be returned for insufficient funds, a $35 charge will be assessed. This is includes auto pay payments.

  • ***Tuition, registration and recital fees are non-refundable***

  • - DLSPA hosts a Christmas show in December and recitals in May.

  • The Christmas show fee is covered with full tuition in November & December.  Full tuition is due with the following class schedule:

    • November -  3 classes

    • December -  2 classes

  • The May recital fee is covered by a $60.00 Recital Fee, charged to every current student in March. This helps to cover rental of venues, audio and visual techs, stage crew, stage props and more. 

  • May tuition is due for all students, both participating and  non-participating in recital.

  • Recital Costumes
    There is an additional charge for recital dance costumes. The average cost runs  between $100 and $130 and purchased through SHOP DLSPA. Costumes should be ordered no later than February 25th.  Alterations are responsibility of parent or guardian. When in doubt, SIZE UP. 

  • Classes are progressive so please make every effort to attend class.  When excessive classes are missed, private class(es) may be necessary to catch up the student. Make-up classes are not offered.

  • DRUM - drumsticks, and home practice pad

  • GUITAR/UKULELE students must have instrument, binder with paper, pencil/pen and sheet protectors

  • PIANO - binder with paper, pencil/pen and sheet protectors, and syllabus, purchased through SHOP DLSPA

  • DANCE -attire requirements/purchases are located through SHOP DLSPA

  • Other requirements as needed as discussed in class

  • For shows and recitals, 'themed' attire may be requested for group, non-dance classes.  I.E., color theme, song theme. Each instructor will communicate info.



PHONE: 281-802-7514, 281.385.4000


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